Sunday 26 January 2014

We Take You Out On Safari Looking For These Animals .

Male lion patrolling its territory

Black Rhinoceros on the Move.

Matriarch Elephant on the llains of Maasai Mara

Two Male Buffalos posing for a photo

Leopard up on a tree.Master of camouflage.

Coming a cross a cheetah on the savannah is always an awesome experience.

Masai Giraffes Chewing the cud

The Great Migration On The Move.

Hippopotamuses on the bank of Mara River

A family of Ostriches

Common Eland,The Biggest antelope in East Africa

Spotted Hyena looking for its clan members

Common Zebra under the hot African Sky.

Common Warthog with its piglets.

Well fed Nile crocodile during the time of the great migration.

Baby Olive Baboon riding on a ride.

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